- 56 years ago
What's inside my computer?
An introductory post to my new computer column at It was prompted by a power surge frying the motherboard in one of my computers. The column features a basic rundown of the parts in a computer. Future installments will include step-by-steps (such as for changing the motherboard) and computer questions from readers.
St. James massage parlour denies claims
After finally receiving word from the business, I ran a follow up story with comment from the police and the business owner. These stories (this and the one below) are a perfect example of my complete, accurate, and unbiased reporting.
St. James massage parlour accused of ‘rub and tugs’
After monitoring a petition on social media, I reached out to city councillors, police, the people behind the petition, and the business owner when the issue started blowing up.
Jane’s Walk Reveals Stories Behind Elmwood Cemetery
Pitched and attended event, took photos, conducted interview, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
Families Walk To Remember Murdered Loved Ones
Attended event, took photos, conducted interviews, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
PHOTOS: Lots Of Bikes Up For Auction
Attended event, took photos, conducted interviews and streeters, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature by building out the event preview story.
VIDEO: Mayor Presents Sports Excellence Award
Attended event, took photos and video, participated in a scrum with the mayor, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
PHOTOS: Winners Bloom At Annual Orchid Show
Attended event, took photos, conducted interview, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
Share Your Arlington Bridge Thoughts Online
Attended event, took photos of bridge, conducted an interview and a streeter, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
PHOTOS: Neighbours Not Surprised By Fire
Rushed to scene, took photos, conducted interviews with the fire chief and several neighbours, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
PHOTOS: Warming Hut Designs Looking Hot
Went for a walk on the river trail, took photos, and produced this web feature. I also wrote teases for on-air for the All News Drive.
Hillary Clinton Talks US-Canada Relations In Winnipeg
I attended Hillary Clinton's visit to Winnipeg and took photos and video. I also assisted Kim Lawson with producing this web feature, who wrote the article.
PHOTOS: Local Memorial Held For Fallen Mountie
Attended event, took photos, participated in scrums, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
Families Build Carboard City At Children’s Museum
Attended event, took photos, conducted interview, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
Bowman Feels Momentum In Final Stretch
Attended event, took photo, participated in scrum, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web article.
Photos: Five Cool New Things in Winnipeg
With the help of news director Richard Cloutier, I indentified five cool new things in my hometown. I set up interviews, visited and photographed all of the things, cut an extended feature for the morning show, and produced this web feature.
Judy Says Bowman Photoshop Claim Bogus
Attended event, took photo, participated in scrum, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web article.
PHOTOS: Interactive Art Exhibits Around Town This Weekend
Attended event, took photos, conducted streeter interviews, cut audio and scripts for news run, and produced this web feature.
Canadian Museum For Human Rights Opens To The World
I attended the grand opening ceremony, as well as a tour the next day. I contributed interviews, scripts, photography, and helped produce the copy and media in this web feature.